Tuesday, May 24, 2011




Goals For Next Year

  • I am going to demand more respect from others.
  • I will make all A's in math
  • I will be a starting football player

Three Things to Improve On
  • I will improve my math grade
  • I will improve on my speed
  • I will improve my outside game in basketball
Three Accomplishments
  • I have benched 230
  • My team has won District in Basketball
  • I have gotten an A on a math test

Extra Curricular

One extra curricular activity I took place in was NJHS. We took a field trip this year too Popham Elementary School. We went to give the underprivileged kids there books. It was so touching to see all the little kids run up and get there books because I knew they probably didn't have any at home. I think everybody at HCMS should take a trip to one of these schools because it shows us how privileged we really are.

Another Extra curricular activity I took place in was football for my school. I don't mean to brag but I'm pretty good. I had a ton of tackles and on the Offensive Line I opened up huge holes for my Runningbacks. Unfortunately, our season did not result in a District Championship. Oh well, we won in 7th grade.

Another activity I took part in was basketball. I am not as good at basketball as I am at football, but I'm still pretty good. I play good defense and I can knock down the jumpshot. Our basketball season ended with a District Championship. That is two in a row for our class and next year, Westlake athletics is going to be so good.

My Favorite Class

My favorite class was probably 3rd period English. Some of the Journal entries read aloud in class by a certain student were very funny and we had so much fun in that class.

My Favorite Subject

My favorite subject this year was probably American History. I have always liked learning about history and the most amazing wars, and this year's criteria was the most fun to learn about so far!!!!

My Favorite Project

My favorite project this year was probably the Animoto project my friend and I did on the War of 1812. We got a good grade, and the War was fun to learn about.